I had a small spot on my face, near my eye. It wouldn’t go away. With this year’s insurance deductibles paid, I thought it would be a good time to see my wife’s dermatologist and have the bump frozen off. Instead, they took a biopsy.
They soon called to tell me that it is cancerous, Basil Cell Carcinoma, the most common and low risk of skin cancer. Low risk is good, but I never thought I would be host to three cancers. Two might be the start of a collection, but I think three really is. I will see the dermatologist soon to discuss the next step.
Yep…Jerry had that one, too…..easy off with no follow-up required! But, really…three??
It’s crazy isn’t it? How are you doing?
I’m okay……
my mom fell and broke her hip two weeks ago. She had partial hip replacement surgery and is now in rehab until able to return to assisted living (we hope)…..she is 92!
My Aunt Em broke a hip when she was about 95 and made it back home after some time in rehab. I hope your mom does well.