I was backing out of a parking space at the hospital. My 57 Chevy began acting like it wasn’t getting fuel. I pumped the gas peddle a couple times and heard a pop sound, like when the propane in a barbecue ignites.
I thought, “Great, I’ve backed over something or a part fell off,” but suddenly a path of liquid fire was streaming away on the pavement in front of my car, and the Torch Red paint in the center of the hood was literally dancing – mesmerizing!
Instantly smoke and flames were pouring out of every escape from the doors forward.
I quickly turned the key off, got out, opened the trunk, grabbed the fire extinguisher (that had been waiting for this moment for 10 years), opened the hood and sprayed the fire out. It was an adrenaline powered moment.
Without that extinguisher I would have been able to do nothing but stand and watch it burn. A couple guys rushed over to see if they could help, someone called the fire department but the flames were out long before they arrived.

The smoke cleared and the dust settled. Things were burnt and things were melted. The fuel filter had come off. After removing what was left of the air filter and reconnecting the fuel line, I was able to start it up and drive it home (with no lights or signals).
It was a stark reminder that this car is a thing and not a loved one. It’s a thing I enjoy very much, but a thing just the same.
And as I was reminded, things can unexpectedly be gone in an instant, but things can be repaired and things can be replaced.
Loved ones can be gone in an instant. People can not be replaced. I am so thankful for treasured moments and precious memories with friends and loved ones in my life, especially my wife. These are gifts from God, and are infinite blessings to me.
Hello Scott Glad your car and you are ok I know your car was a hot rod but you don’t have to have a flame out to prove it .;-)) OK just joking with ya . Ya not fun at all.!!
BOY you were very lucky to have the exteneter with ya . I can relate to ya in one way. Many years ago with the 4 door we started out ! -5 just hit the ramp to go on and all of a sudden smoke started coming out of under the dash. I was able to get off the side ran out pulled the battery cable off and it was out but just at the same time Diane was going for our exteneter. TO hit the dash. I was able to stop her and I save the inside of the dash for I knew what had happen and it was over no smoke. I had a short . I saw it so I just pulled the wire back and tape it off Re hook the cable and made sure nothing more was going to go wrong.. I was lucky I had some tape from doing some wiring the day be for . YA your right you can loose something with out any warning. Afterwords I pulled off of the ramp compleatly and made sure of no more problems and we took off . I was lucky myself that day for we had to be some wear and the rambler was the only thing we had going at the time. Happy you were able to get it under control NOT fun to see or smell smoke in car. I know that feeling. We woke up to another surprise this morning. at about 3 i woke up and went up stairs to take care of mother natural as I walk the our laundry room I felt me foot get wet . O now what I turn on the lights to see water. O no my first thought was I had a wall leaking for our walls leak many years ago when we first move in. BUT wait it is not raining THEN I started looking HOT water heater was leaking out the top. Wear the over flow vlave is . It was leaking at the of top pipe. Long story short . water heater is now drain and in the morning I go looking for a new one. I had no warning at all. So again It shows any thing can happen with out any warning . I had no problems at and it was working fine until this morning. ONE thing for sure I was glad to have to have the net that was I got my information on what to do. Cant really call any one at 3 am in the morning for a water leak problem. I could have but did not want to . Glad your ok and it was only a under the hood fire. YOU Could have compleaty lost the chevy . BUT Your like us we all traval with safty in mind. SO how you doing other wise.?? Been thinking of ya and was planning on calling soon. OK get back in touch when you can thanks for the compleat story of what happen . So now what do you have to replace and how much wireing I hope not much. That is one sweet 57 . MY best to both of ya Ya you know your better half Diane. Tell her we say hi .. DON
Thanks, Don. If a pilot says any landing you walk away from is a good landing, is any car fire you can drive away from a good fire? Maybe it was good that it wasn’t real bad. Anyway, it sounds like we’ve both had that experience. Good luck with the new water heater. I must have replaced three or four here, but in 40 years, that’s not bad.
Yikes….so glad you’re okay!! I guess I’ll leave the various fire extinguishers scattered around, right where Jerry put them! Yes, these experiences leave us with the distinct impression that “stuff” isn’t as big a deal as we once thought. And thanks again, Scott, for taking the time to forward recent pictures….the whole family is enjoying them 😊
Thanks, Tami. I do recommend keeping a couple fire extinguishers handy. I’m glad you’re enjoying those pictures, I sure enjoyed sharing them.
Excitement is the spice to life! Or so they say…. So glad to hear you are all right. Thanks for inspiring me to get a fire extinguisher in our cars!
Hi, Ruth. Excitement is a spice of life. A $20 fire extinguisher can bring a (welcome) limit when some excitement gets a little too spicy.
Hey Scott, You are so right about people being more important than things. So glad to have you as a friend. Jon
Thanks, Jon
People are definitely more important than things – they are one-of-a-kind while cars can be repaired or replaced. It is also a good reminder to put a fire extinguisher in the car.
Bo, I’ve learned that if you are going to put a fire extinguisher in your car, a BC type extinguisher is likely a better choice than an ABC type and will cost about the same. The BC will be less corrosive, which will be a bonus if you do successfully get the fire out before it does serious damage.