I ran into a friend at a funeral Saturday. While visiting she told me she enjoys reading my blog. I talked on about something I don’t remember now, but realized later that I did not say thank you for reading my blog.
I enjoy writing. I would (and do) write even when I’m the only one whose likely to ever see it. I’m still surprised when someone tells me they read something I wrote. Without feedback, I don’t know if anyone reads me.
Mary Jo, thank you for reading my blog. Everyone who follows, anyone who clicks over from Face Book or MyelomaBlogs, Thank you. I feel honored that you take the time to have a look.
Time is money, time is tight, everyone is busy, so I do feel blessed and encouraged when you comment (on the blog, by email, or in person) about this online – ongoing adventure.
I almost feel I owe an apology; this started out as a means to update and share my medical news because I might have cancer. Three cancers later I remain among the living, and posting here, I do wander off topic now and then.
For those still reading, thanks again.

Keep writing and we’ll keep reading, Scott 😉
Thanks, Tami
What a blessing and what a cutepie!
Thanks, ChardeKing, he is both and I love spending time with him.