At my appointment today, my Oncologist said the bone marrow biopsy and the elevated protein in my urine place me directly on the boarder line between smoldering Myeloma and full on Multiple Myeloma, and with the rate of progress the disease is making, we should waste no time starting treatment.
The biopsy shows my plasma cells are now at 40% (normal is 5%) and it again confirmed my 17P deletion, a very unhappy component with MM. I had another full skeletal survey. If it shows any bone lesions or tumors, I will have radiation treatments and delay chemo. Without that delay, I’m scheduled to start chemo in about two weeks.
The chemicals that will be injected are names I have read many times on Myeloma blogs and forums, Bortezomib (Velcade) and Revlimid. I was awarded a bonus catalog with my new membership in the chemo club; I’m told it will be an interesting read.
The therapy is a series of injections, two weeks on and one week off, that runs for three months. I hope to keep working; doc says there will be good days and bad.
At the end of the chemo therapy, if my improvement ranks anywhere between slightly favorable and good, I will then prepare for a stem cell transplant, which involves a month stay in the hospital. The options for one who does not respond favorably are fewer and even less attractive.
I guess we’re getting stronger. When we left the doctor’s office, Diane and I walked right past the bench where we sat and cried after receiving my “incurable cancer” diagnosis a year and a half ago. I’m not looking forward to this, but I’m told it will extend my life.
A feeling of sadness wants to take over now and then, but its crazy how I keep thinking about how many sick or hurting people would gladly trade their malady for mine. On the bright side, this may be a good opportunity to lose a few of those pesky pounds I have gained back, and I may not have to worry about combing or trimming my hair for a while.

Kerry, thanks again for the breakfast, I hope you have a great birthday; Betsy, sorry I had to bail on you from Face Book; Bobby, thanks for driving out for lunch, it was nice to have a little time to visit with you; Loren, I don’t know if I’ll make it down to your house this spring like I usually do.
Diane and I thank God every day for filling our lives with blessings. Each of you are counted as at least one of those blessings. I love this Peace that is from God, and your prayers magnify it.