I am just about halfway through my radiation treatments.
In the first week, I needed a wheel chair to get out of the hospital after radiation treatments. In the second week, the pain was much less and I was happy to be walking without assistance.
About the pain, it’s not the radiation that’s painful, I think it’s a combination of lying on my back on what feels much like a concrete slab, and what ever it is going on inside my lower back.
Each day, the treatments are a little more tolerable and the sleep situation is a little bit better. It’s been great to sleep in a bed again, even though restricted to one comfortable position (the right side). In the last couple nights, that sleep comfort zone has expanded nicely.

I’m still losing weight because I just don’t have an appetite. I’ve lost about 25 pounds, and I am extremely disappointed to have to report that my shirtless silhouette remains indistinguishable from that of Homer Simpson.
My Oncologist says “the indicators” lead her to believe the cancer I have is Plasma Cytoma, which responds very well to radiation treatments. In about a week, I will have a bone marrow biopsy. This will be done to rule out the possibility that the cancer is Multiple Myeloma, which is very similar to the other, but has no cure.
As I have said before, I so appreciate your prayers. I don’t know how to thank you. I can’t imagine going through something like this without God’s Awesome Peace. Knowing that you pray for me (and with me) overflows me with a loving, lifted up feeling I can’t explain (but, I sure do love it!).
Thank you,