Did you know that having two back to back MRI’s is almost considered a medical marathon? The technicians were so proud of me that upon my next visit I’m sure to see my picture front and center on the MRI Wall Of Fame commemorating that historical event.

My Oncologist called to tell me the determinations from the MRI’s. They showed a new compression at vertebrae L3 (about a 20% loss, I’m another ¼” shorter) and severe arthritis.
The symptoms often reported with compression of vertebrae L3 include
restful sleep, reduced appetite, and weight loss.
Following up with my family doctor was recommended if I want to consider back injections, physical therapy, and/or cement. This back pain that also goes down my legs has haunted me to some degree for years.
Today I am feeling a little better than two weeks ago. Who would have thought one would ever measure progress by the speed and agility with which you put on your underwear or socks?