I had my three-month Multiple Myeloma cancer check recently. I had a blood draw for lab work a few days prior.

I once watched Emma, a high school girl, sink more than twenty baskets in a row. She warmed up by sinking ten hoops, missed one and started over, sinking one-handed shots one after another until I lost count. She seemed unstoppable.
Each time the three-month mark approaches on my cancer watch cycle, I wonder again – how many consecutive times can I “swish” with favorable test results? How many times can I draw the high card without fail? I can do it for the rest of my life!
Walking out the door after church recently, a young lady ahead of me turned around and smiled. I said, “I know you, but don’t remember how.” She answered, “I treated you.”
I’ve had a few treatments, so I asked her politely, trying not to sound like a smart-ass, “Where did you treat me?” “At St Vincent’s.” “Yes!” I said. “Radiation Therapy! I remember you! Thank you.” It was so good to see her again, especially there at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship.

And, when I finish getting dressed, I will go out to the shop, walk under that Chevy, and finally replace the “Roulette Wheel” fuel pump (Roulette because if it stops on just the right spot – it leaks).
Since I had the labs done in advance, I was able to see my cancer test results online just before seeing the doctor. There are many categories in the tests results and they continue to be reported in Medical Greek, but I saw no spikes or nose-dives in the numbers.
The doctor confirmed my suspicions that the test results were good. I have nearly three months before I cut the deck again. I remain thankful to God for a life overflowing with blessings.