Last Saturday, Diane and I were invited to our friend’s house for dinner. It turned out it was a surprise party for me, a show of support before I venture off into the world of chemotherapy.
The house was nearly full of kids. Well, when I met them they were kids. Now, many of them have kids of their own. Almost everyone there had been in a high school or middle school youth group when I had been a helper or leader. I always thought some sort of reunion would be amazing.
Mike, I understand it was your idea. Nathan, I’m told you were in on it from the start. Marika and Addie, I know you had a lot to do with making it happen. Thank you. You could not have done a nicer thing for me. I don’t know how to express this better. It was the nicest thing. It was awesome to greet and hug everyone. I miss my friends and the time we shared in the youth group.
I had to tell everyone that my treatments were postponed one week due to an issue with my insurance company. My oncologist planned on using Velcade and Revlimid, a combination she has used for Multiple Myeloma patients many times, but apparently not with patients who have the same insurance company I have.
The letter I received disallowing prior authorization of Revlimid said in part, “Our doctors and pharmacists study the safety and effectiveness of drugs to help you choose those with the best overall value,” and ended with, “Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.”

So, my treatments begin Monday with Velcade and Thalomid (Thalidomide). I’m hoping one of them will knock out this cold and ear infection.