I had a great idea and made coloring books for my grandkids, made up of pictures of them. That led to similar coloring books for my two grown up sons, just for fun. I wanted to make a book for my wife, but instead of a coloring book, I made the pictures look more like pen and colored pencil drawings.

I hope she enjoys paging through it as much as I enjoyed creating it. It features a few pictures she has never seen, surrounded by good memories; some not roused in a while.

It was challenging to keep what I was doing a surprise for Valentine’s Day; working often while she slept or was not yet home from work. I had it spiral bound and ready for Valentines Day with hours to spare.
I also had a Valentine’s Day date with an x-ray technician. She gave me peaches, graham crackers, applesauce, bread, and a milky drink, all generously mixed with Barium.
These treats weren’t gifts for my nibbling pleasure like my wife gave me; these were so she could video x-ray me swallowing them.
After carefully explaining that she is not a doctor and can’t make a diagnosis, she told how the x-ray video showed the consumed food hesitated a notable moment in my lower esophagus before continuing into my stomach.
That’s not likely the cause of my constant throat clearing, but it could be a clue. The Ear Nose Throat doctor’s office called the next day to repeat what the technician said (except the part about not being a doctor), and to add that my x-ray video audition bought me a ticket to see a Gastroenterologist, coming soon to a hospital near me.
I also went in for a “CT Scan of Face (CT Sinus WO Contrast).” The results: “There is no evidence of laryngeal penetration or aspiration identified. Please see the detailed report rendered by speech pathology.” I haven’t seen the report yet.
It would be wonderful to finally solve this constant throat clearing mystery, but if the blood test in March shows my PSA numbers going up, all these other tests may end up being as productive as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.