I continue scheduled testing, doctor visiting, and pill taking. Stable is good (I can live with that), life is busy, and once in a great while, a new experience comes along – like officiating.
My goddaughter asked me to officiate her wedding. I have never done such a thing and was not confident I could. I’ve never attended a wedding where the minister shouted, “Cut! Let’s do that part over – Take two!”
I have loved her since she was a gangly little girl. Our relationship has always been easy. I never had to exercise parental authority and send her to her room or threaten to ground her.

There was a season when I picked her up weekly and drove her to an appointment. While waiting in the car to take her home I would and pray for her and her family.
There was a time we thought she might come to live with us. It didn’t happen, but we would have welcomed her.
I felt honored when she asked if I would perform her wedding ceremony, but I was hesitant to agree because I was getting choked up simply thinking about it. I don’t know why.
I could see myself starting out like…. “We gather here today to join in holy matrimony……” and bursting into tears – “bwahaha, waaaaa.” Wedding attendees would ask, who is this guy? What’s his problem? Is there a minister in the house who can finish this ceremony? We’re here for a wedding – we don’t have all day!
I didn’t want her wedding to be remembered for that.
Why would I be incapacitated by emotion? My working theory considers the promise and potential of this young bride and groom, the years I watched her grow to an adult, and the joy they have waiting for them in their new life together. Seeing them, I remembered a secret – my wife and I were once as young and beautiful as this bride and groom are today.
Those thoughts trigger memories of my bride, our wedding, our love story, and the many years we’ve enjoyed together. Mix in feelings about years slipping away, add the wisdom that comes with age – and, there may be tears. Should they escape, they might be bitter sweet.

The wedding took place under a cloudy sky, in a lush, garden oasis surrounded by acres of pear trees. I was able to complete the ceremony without causing a distraction, due mostly to rehearsing it again and again with my wife. When it was over, I didn’t feel the need to apologize. Like any landing you can walk away from – I’ll call it a success.