I went to the hospital for my quarterly blood draw and testing. It was easier than ever to find a parking spot. The hospital appeared deserted except for the guard in a Hazmat suit that stopped me at the main entrance.
She interrogated me, took my temperature, and directed me to the new annex across the street. There I received the same greeting before my blood draw – with all of us wearing face masks.
I’ve had two Virtual Doctor Appointments since the Corona Virus threat became apparent. A Virtual doctor appointment is not much more than a video chat.
You do get extra credit if you tell them your current weight – and you really get bonus points if you can report your blood pressure. My blood test results were in, repeating my favorites: normal, stable, same as last time.
Our (grand) niece turned thirteen but couldn’t have that important birthday party while maintaining safe social distances. My wife suggested a birthday parade.
We drove the Chevy to Portland and joined six other decorated cars to form a short but heartfelt parade. We drove to and circled a cul-de-sac with the surprised birthday niece standing in the center. It was brilliant.

Passing over my home, I’m not sure what caught this bird’s eye, but for whatever reason, he circled and descended. He spotted the bird feeders hanging from the eve of our garage roof, and multiple bird houses affixed to the exterior of my back porch.
Nice neighborhood, he had to conclude. Free food, free housing, nice view, pleasant neighbors. I LIKE IT!

He probably sampled the feeders before a few wing beats carried him to closer inspect the available housing for vacancies. The bird houses were protected by the roof overhang, were varied in style and color, and were generously spaced; but the lower house with a metal roof piqued his interest.
He slipped through the opening and was inspecting the interior – nice approach, covered entry, clean, and roomy – especially with this cavernous hallway – where does it end?
I’LL TAKE IT! I’m sure he said to himself as he began celebrating with his happy dance. That had to be the noise I heard when passing the laundry room door, a loud, scratchy – flappy noise.
It sounded like something with claws was in the dryer, and then I realized there must be a bird in the dryer vent. Lint had built up and kept the vent flap-door from closing completely.
To firmly convince my new tenant that this arrangement was not going to work, I defied our governor’s temporary non-eviction order and in three….. two….. one…… I pushed the Eviction Button……. on the dryer.

That must have blown his mind.
Bye bye, birdie!
It had to blow him away – Literally!
That bird has a story to tell.