I’m told that people with cancer survive longer if they have goals. I’m going to have to come up with new goals, because, of my top three for this summer, two are now checked off the list, and I’m closing in on the third. Brandon got his Corvair running and it is now in the shop, out of the moisture.

Brandon also helped me install a new drainage pipe while he was here to surprise his mom for her birthday, and, I’m closing in on the deck railing project.

Maybe my next goal could be a gate to hide the storage area on the side of the garage. With that, the first thing you see when you pull in the driveway wouldn’t be the junk stored there.
Yea, I could get rid of the junk, but a nice, unique gate made from an extra ’57 Chevy hood sounds even better. I think that would be nice. Let me find a good way to present this to Diane before you say anything about it.