I keep track of my miles per gallon. The drive to Montana for my dad’s memorial service would be an exception.

It was a little disappointing when the speedometer quit working somewhere near Othello, Washington. Oh, well…. I have a new GPS that will tell me my speed and the posted speed limit. I just wouldn’t be able to track the mileage.
The fuel gauge has not been trustworthy. It was more of a general indicator. When the needle remained on the “E” after a fill up, I thought we just might have to stop at every second or third town for gas, as my older son, Brandon and I would be basically flying blind. But, somewhere along the road, the fuel gage came back to life and was much appreciated.
My best with this 1957 Chevy has been about 18 MPG, although the Smiles and goose-bumps per Gallon are without question – a lot higher.
In Spokane, we stayed the night at my half-brother, Doug’s house. It was great to visit and catch up with him, Megan, Jed, and Emma.

In Kalispell, everyone stayed at Barb’s house. It was full of half and full brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. Most were nearly strangers. Some had never met. It’s funny how that can happen. I was glad for the unique gathering, sad that our dad couldn’t have been there with us.

It was the largest assembly of siblings I have been a part of since my mom married Mr. Kinkade. There were nine sisters and brothers including half’s together at that time (about 45 years ago).
My total lifetime (known) sibling count I believe is – myself, two sisters, five half brothers, one half-sister, four step brothers and five step sisters. Some of the steps I have never met.
My Cancer Update: The blood test results that came in just after the last bone marrow biopsy said the protein level is stable at 1.2, same as the last test. I’m counting the stable report as more good news.