Although our grandkids live far away, their parents generously include us in their lives through emails, pictures, videos, video chats, cards, finger paintings, and more.
We get to peek into their activities and watch them grow. We get to celebrate achievements. I love to see the ways our kids love their kids.
I wondered out loud recently to my wife – if our kids, while enjoying a developmental milestone with their kids, ever realize that what they are feeling is the exact feeling we enjoyed again and again as we watched them grow from babies to children.
“Will they realize through their kids, how much we loved and enjoyed them as our kids?” She answered, “No, why would they? Did you think about your parents when we were new parents?”
I grew up in a family that never said – never heard – never felt, “I love you.” I guess I should never say never. That day in 1962 when mom surrendered the five of us and transferred our custody to the Juvenile Detention Hall in Vancouver, Washington, she was crying when she said, “I love you,” and walked out the door.
I’d heard of love, is this it? That was the beginning of another chapter in this life adventure. In a week, we were in a foster home, and in a couple more weeks we were in another where three of us served about a year.
I would later brag that before graduating from high school, I lived in 27 houses including JDH and those two foster homes. That might be material for another blog.
I answered my wife, “Yes,” as a new parent in self training, “I actually thought about my parents once or twice.”
I so loved our babies, I held, hugged and kissed, and told them so every day. It felt very natural to me, and caring for them became my highest priority. I would do anything to protect them.

The times I thought about my parents, I wondered why they didn’t feel the same about me. I thanked them in my mind for showing me what not to do.