Living requires a lot of energy – physical energy. I didn’t realize this when I had more than I needed. Most of the time now, my energy needle is surprisingly past the “E” and I wonder where I will finally run out and roll to a stop.
Is this due to the side effects of medications? The side effects of Chemo, or radiation? Is it due to Diabetes, or is it simply a normal part of getting older?
I’m learning to cope, to compensate, to not over-do. I don’t mind walking away, pacing myself to finish a project tomorrow, or maybe just get back to it tomorrow (or soon).
When my body proposes a nap, I’ve learned it’s beneficial to take one (unless I’m driving). It’s a use it or lose it invitation.
The Big Guns medication (Singulair) prescribed by my ear-nose-throat doctor has sadly lost the shoot out with my chronic throat clearing and cough.
When I asked him what’s next, he said we’re going to hit it hard with The Blunt Instrument! That blunt instrument was Prednisone, a steroid that failed to obliterate. I’m scheduled now to see him again to discuss a “Sinus Procedure.”
I survived the treadmill stress test (with nuclear imaging) for my heart doctor. At our follow up appointment, he explained that the stress test was negative, but my nuclear imaging was positive, and that is a contradiction.
He explained how that could happen, and how he prefers to proceed as though I have some arterial blockage and the risk of a heart attack. He doubled one of my daily medication doses and replaced another with something better.
He also led a horse to water with diet and exercise recommendations.
My brother rebuilt the Triumph Trike he’s owned for many years. We took it and my Chevy to a Show & Shine while I was visiting him in Brookings.

I love taking and editing car show pictures. You can see some of my favorites here.
Life is good (and very busy!). I am blessed, and I remain thankful to God.