I saw a Gastroenterologist. The result of our visit was a prescription to treat symptoms caused by excess stomach acid. I’ll take it twice a day until further notice.
He also made an appointment in May for a camera down my throat. If my symptoms go away or are notably reduced before May, I may not need to swallow the camera.
I also saw a Speech Pathologist on what may be the last stop (win or lose) on my way to solving this throat clearing issue. About my constant throat clearing, she basically said, “STOP IT!”
It reminded me of this Bob Newhart skit. It turns out there is a little more to the STOP IT theory than you might first imagine.
It’s true that something is causing this to happen, but it turns out that throat clearing causes irritation, and irritation causes throat clearing. If the cycle continues long enough, it becomes part of you.
If you can STOP or REDUCE it, you might break (or damage) the cycle.
She offered a list of suggestions of how one might STOP IT, most of which I am already doing. The bottom line is, if I can stifle the throat clearing, at least to some degree, the instances and/or severity may be reduced, at least to some degree, regardless of the primary cause.
I had the follow-up PSA test last week. I haven’t talked with my Urologist yet, but, the test results were automatically posted to my (Medical Stuff) web site.
Test data often appears to be in Greek (Latin?), but these numbers were quite clear: 0.19. Now that’s a cliff-hanger. More than 0.2 indicates a recurrence of the cancer.
I’ve given up trying to predict what a doctor will say or do, I’ve been wrong so many times. I’m sure it will be interesting when we talk next.

HELLO Clearing your throat I do that once in a wile . often wondered about it Now that was interesting Well lets hope this time things are good for ya on that test. Ok as for us or me I doing ok for the most part . My right knee is slowly acting up along with my left . Sooner or later I will chop a couple of 2by 4s and do like the pirites use to do ;-)) We have been down to NW and salem in the last couple of weeks Diane won her class last Thursday at NW. MY self I ended up wear I usely do last 😉 But I have fun getting there. Also broke my T5m truck and stearing rack end ball join broke off . I took my losi and It pulled me out and now I am waiting on parts. It seems with the new T6m coming out trying to get parts for mind is starting to get hard .;-( I may have to pick up a parts truck sooner or later. O well that is what happens sometimes. something new comes out and the one your using they are no longer put out parts . OK take care and thanks for the up dates. talk to ya when you get some more time . DON
Hi, Don: I hope you have better medical insurance than he Pirates did so you won’t need 2X4’s. That’s great about Diane’s win, I saw the picture on FB. I miss racing and keep thinking I will give it a try again, but there never seems to be time. I will talk with you again.