I’ve heard it said and know it’s true that time flies when you’re having fun. It could also be said that time flies when you’re having cancer.
Once you get out of that early recovery period where time does not fly, it soon hits a pace I would like to slow. I would like to throw a net over it as it races past and drag it down so I could explain that there is no hurry now.
Well, maybe there’s a bit of a hurry to get things done before the cancer makes its move.
Today marks one year since my stem cell transplant. Last July first was my, “day zero,” the day I receive the infusion, the fourth day of my two week hospital stay. I woke up this morning feeling pretty good about putting the year behind me.

I’ve recovered from the transplant with few lasting side effects, and am enjoying partial remission. I get to be here with my wife, Diane, I get to go to work every day, I’ve completed some projects around home, and I got to meet my grandson. Life is good.
Before I checked into the cancer treatment center in Portland, Diane and I met with a nurse. Her name was Sarah, and she was going to be our official guide through this process. She laid out the game plan, answered questions, gathered signatures, and issued documents including my personal calendar and schedule.
I didn’t see her after I checked into the hospital, but we spoke several times on the phone when I returned home. Except in an emergency she was to be my contact person. I would call and ask her if Diane and I could go to a movie or to Kaydia’s birthday party and she would remind me that it was too soon for that kind of exposure.
I kept her business card, and after a few months, I called to tell her my recovery was progressing well. I called her again today to tell her about the one year anniversary, and that I remember her kindness. After a moment, the lady who answered her extension said, “I’m sorry. Sarah was diagnosed with cancer in January and died in May.”
Diane and I just got home from a new carpet track that is only about 4 miles from us and 15 mins way. So it is going to be fun.
I just read your note so sorry to here the news. We just dont know what will happen or when . I cant belive next month on the 21 I turn 61 wish it was the other way but I still feel yoiung . So next month I go in for a phy I hope I will be ok? So far so good ? NOW on the other hand glad your doing good. LETS pray it stays that way thank for the personal UP Date Remember in September I will be in your area if the club gets to go to Evergreen RIGHT now I am not sure on that one. FOR it is up in the air. I will keep you posted, Thank you again DON MY best to both of ya
Thanks, Don. I suppose most everything is up in the air and now and then something happens to remind us of that. Maybe September if I don’t see you sooner.
Congrats on your 1 year but how very sad about Sarah. It justs shows us once again how precious life is. Every day we wake up is a bonus and we should all make the most of every minute 😄
Thank you, Sharyn. Yesterday I told my Oncologist that I had tried to call Sarah at the cancer center. She knew her too, as did many others.
Yes….cancer is a thief that comes in the night!!
So glad you’re doing well, Scott 😊
You remain in our prayers
Wow what a story and what a shock that must have been to receive Sarah’s sad news.Did they tell you what kind of cancer she had? I’m always shocked when I hear of others’ deaths, and I am still here! Congrats on your 1 year SCT anniversary! May you have dozens and dozens more!!! Julie
Thanks, Julie. They said she had Pancreatic Cancer. I think you and I have been to the same hair stylist.