My Aunt Florene called to say my 99 year old Aunt Emma has recovered enough from her broken hip to return home. Most old folks going home from the care home are probably going to their eternal home, not back to S. River Street. Good for you, Aunt Em.

I called my Oncologist today to hear my test results. She said the full skeletal survey looked good, no tumors found (every time I feel a tweak in my back now I wonder if it’s a tumor). The MRI showed a severe compression fracture @T8 – but no change from the last MRI.
The 24 hour urine test shows some protein, but she didn’t sound concerned. She said to wait for bone marrow biopsy at the end of June, which will tell the real story.

My three Canfield brothers each called today to tell me our dad died. He was 80 years old, living (dying) in the Philippines. I don’t remember him as a dad; he and my mother divorced when I was three years old.
I knew who he was, I would see him now and then, but I got to know him as an adult when I worked in his cabinet shop after Diane and I were married.
It was odd to be daily in the company of a stranger who was my father. I’m glad I got to spend time with him, and got to know him some..
Glad you are good. Wonder news about your aunt Em. So sorry to hear of dads passing. Take care! Keeping you in my thoughts.
Thanks, Marilynn