“Maybe it’s another cancer,” I offered. “Oh, no – I’m sure it’s not,” the nurse replied. I’ve been coughing quite a bit since about Christmas. So much that the guys at work agreed I should change my name to Koffman.
When I saw the doctor, my blood counts were very low. I may have a virus or infection. She prescribed antibiotics and a chest x-ray, and said to come back next week. Upon returning, still coughing, I was told to get a CAT scan.
There was a dense area on the chest x-ray the doctor wanted to learn more about, possibly a ball of cat hair that has reached critical mass (my probable diagnoses, not hers). What ever it is, we will soon find out, I will be adding a new doctor to my list of doctor friends next week when I visit the Pulmonary Associates.

OK Scott cant you stay out of Dr offices ;-)) OR do you have a new girl friend that you like to see and use a DR a point ment to see her ;-))) Ha Ha I hope your going to be ok . YES do keep me posted i do get concern about you and what all is going on. I do remember you telling me your blood a count was low and they were trying to figure out what was going on. Maybe you may have your answer soon.?? OK buddy let me know what happens. Thanks O by the way I was force to go to a new internet lead to get on . MY other system crash and it could not be repaired so I have now Google chrome. A little different but I just have a few things different that I have to do when it comes to a few things . Other then that everything is the same . SO keep useing this E mail like you just did . That has not change at all. talk to ya soon DON
Hi, Don: I do have a favorite nurse who is the best blood taker who ever stuck a needle in me, but I don’t like to see her very often. I should know something about what’s going on with my lunges next week. I don’t know if that might be connected to the low blood counts. Hey, I use Google Chrome and I like it. I’ll talk with you soon.
I had a similar experience a few weeks ago, Scott… I went for my physical, had a few blood tests and soon found myself having a CT scan which revealed a mass in my liver. Immediately reliving Jerry’s diagnosis, I was certain of my impending death, but couldn’t tell anyone until further investigation with an MRI. Yes, in fact, there is a mass in my liver…..a benign mass called a hemangioma. I will have to have another MRI in six months but it appears safe to assume that I am not dying. I will be praying for a similar conclusion to your latest concern and peace, peace, peace in the meantime!!
Thanks, Tami: It’s funny how quickly we suspect cancer after we’ve been touched by it. I had a bump on my head and I wondered if it might be brain cancer pushing out. It wasn’t, but if it ever turns out to be, what can you do but thank God for your life and the blessings you enjoyed. I’m sure glad your mass is benign.