Diane and I met with the Stem Cell Transplant specialist. She explained the theory of and steps for the transplant. Seeing it as my best and only real option, I agreed to have it done. It’s not a cure, but it’s supposed to buy time.
Pre-testing will begin in the last week of May; I should be in the hospital somewhere around the middle of June, and released around the middle of July. There is a period of recovery at home ranging from one to six months, but at least I will be at home.
After chemotherapy, I was told to continue taking the daily thalidomide pills. I can stop those now and hope to see some side effects go away. Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Will pray for a successful transplant resulting in many more years of quality life….Jerry’s cancer cannot be cured either (except by divine intervention, which we do not discount); the chemo is intended to buy time.
Thanks, Tammi: I didn’t realize Jerry’s cancer can’t be cured. Thanks for posting updates. My pre-testing for the transplant begins this week.
Hi Scott, Thank you for your comment on my recent post. I’ve been quite off the radar of late, except various online forums. It feels good to be back. I’m sorry that you have found yourself in Myelomaville and hope that your treatment does the trick and that you are around a long time enjoying your friends and family.
Thanks, Lori. How did we get here? Myelomaville is not on my GPS.