The first time I was told I had cancer; I thought it might be the beginning of the end of my life.
I remember thinking, I can’t die now, I have unfinished projects everywhere I look, who will finish them? And I had always assumed I would be here to take care of my wife when we got older. Who will do that if I’m not here?
After prayer and consideration, I came to realize that there isn’t really anything that won’t get by without me.
I was mentally preparing my self for the end. You reluctantly try the notion on for size, wear it around for a while, and with God you can say, “If I must, I can do this.”
I had surgery and recovery, and after a while I thought my life might continue.
Time passes and you start thinking, “Maybe I will be around a while, maybe even a long time.” So you wear that around and get used to it.
Then came the second cancer, this one incurable. Those words are devastating, but good or bad (bad or worse), I have God’s peace. I remember the moment it hit me, the peace that passes all understanding. You can learn about it here – Philippians 4:7.
Certainly, I’d rather not have cancer; I’m in no hurry to die, but here on earth, the mortality rate is 100%.
I’m tested every three months. After stable, stable, and continuing stable, it’s easy to cast your focus a little farther out and think again, “Maybe I will be around for years.”
The difference between 1.2 and 1.8 is such a small number, but enough to bring a (Smoldering) Multiple Myeloma patient back for more testing, x-rays, waiting for the next answer (and the next question), and realizing again that this is could well be the beginning of the end.
I feel like such a wimp when I read the blogs and posts of other Multiple Myeloma cancer victims, they’ve been through so much. I’ve been enjoying a fairly normal life, quietly smoldering a year and a half; that’s easy.
These MMr’s are experienced and decorated medical combat veterans. Most have had serious medications, agonizing treatments, terrible side-effects, lives completely upended, and eventually – finally, death.
I read one Multiple Myeloma blogger’s list of stages he predicts most of us will go through. There was not one mention of Jesus, no peace from God.
How sad for him to face this (and eternity) without joy. His only hope was in doctors and medicine. I love doctors and medicine (and insurance!), but even with the very best, one day I will die.
I remember hearing it said of someone who survived a great tragedy, “God was surely with them!” But, then I wondered about those who didn’t survive, was God not with them? If they were believers, God was with them.
I realize that because he is always with me. Going in or out of the hospital, going in or out of cancer, going in or out of life, His presence is undeniable.
This cancer experience hasn’t been any fun, but through it, I’ve enjoyed the strength and comfort from God’s Peace. Thank you for your prayers for Diane and me.
Monday, I go for another bone marrow biopsy. This is where the roller-coaster starts to get exciting!

I will ramp up my usual prayers for you Scott. I pray that God will let you be around for a much longer time, but not suffering. The bone marrow biopsy can’t be comfortable. We really enjoyed visiting with you Monday, but I have to admit that you looked a little tired. I didn’t want to say anything at the time. You are such an inspiration with your strong faith in God and a real blessing to your family and friends. We love you and will be thinking about you Monday and praying that all goes well and that the results will be better.
Thanks, Diane for your prayers and your friendship, both you and Don
Roller coasters Tell me about it been on with both of us to many times. keep in touch with the up dates DON
Thanks, Don. I will keep in touch
Scott, Even though we’ve discussed some serious topics and heartbreaking events it’s still sometimes hard to talk about them since we are usually making fun of or laughing about something. I wouldn’t have it any other way. When my brother went through his cancer his motto was “It is what it is”. There’s no situation where that isn’t true. You were so right when you talked about people going through hard times without faith in God. Like I’ve said many times I sure don’t agree with Him all the time but I completely trust Him. I hate the idea of you going through what lies ahead but He has a reason for it and I know you will honor Him no matter what you face, and you know you will not face it alone. I love you and will continue to keep you in my prayers, still believing you will be a miracle. Should have time in a couple weeks to stop by for lunch. Thanks for keeping me posted, Dave
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 05:51:46 +0000 To:
“It is what it is.” That’s a good motto, except to quote a past president, it really depends on what the meaning is is. I love talking and laughing with you, Dave. I hope we can do lunch.
Thanks, Scott, for sharing your thoughtful musings over life and death. I have been, and will continue to pray that Monday’s biopsy will reveal encouraging news and NO acceleration of the MM. May the Lord’s presence, power and peace completely envelope you and Diane!
Thank You, Tamara, for your prayers and support
Thanks for the update. I am reminded of a comment in St. Augustine’s City of God. Somewhere in there he says “of this at least I am certain, that no one has died who was not destined to die sometime.”!
Enoch of old passes through my mind from time to time as I consider the comment about him– “And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” –Then I ask myself what walking with God would mean or look like for myself. Then too I can’t help but wonder if we will be in that class of persons who won’t die–“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” I wonder what the mortality rate percentage will be after that event! I am glad you have God’s peace as you face the cancer and that we share a common eternal hope.
St Augustine sounds like a pretty sharp guy, and I have wondered a time or two about Enoch, but I had not considered how the Rapture will mess with the mortality rate. All good stuff, Dan, thanks for posting
Scott, looking through the MM blogs I stopped at yours because the words “God is peace” stayed with me and explains how I feel. Nov/2012 I found out that I am on this MM journey at stage 1- facing a transplant in a couple of months. My son who is a youth pastor in CA talks to me- encourages me and we’ve talked about Gods peace. You have a way with words too – keep up your blog and power of prayer is undeniable – you’re in mine.
Andrea in AZ
Thank you so much, Andrea