My life continues to overflow with God’s blessings through family, friends, and sometimes just out of the blue. In May, Diane and I drove across the country to Michigan and met our only granddaughter.
She’s a precious cutie, and much of the time seems to have something important she wants to say, but doesn’t yet know how to effectively articulate. It will be fascinating when she does. We saw friends and relatives on the way there and back. I wish we could have stayed longer for each visit.
Our son and daughter-in-law took us on a wonderful Lake Superior cruise to a place called Pictured Rocks. Amazing mineral colors can be seen oozing out of the sandstone cliffs there.

I’ve been looking forward to summer, and June is suddenly circling the drain.
I started playing Volleyball again. I used to have a team, maybe you’ve heard of us, “Ricky Normal and the Jazz Head Cowboys”? That was actually the name of my band in a dream, but since the odds of me leading a music group while conscious are pretty slim, I decided to use the name for my Volleyball team.
The league I play in now doesn’t have organized teams, in fact, it’s not even a league. It’s just a group of local people age 55 or older (frequently) hitting the ball over the net and having a good time .
It is fun, but I’ve been plagued by a random, sporadic shortening of the arms and an intermittent disconnect between the eyes and brain. That’s bad enough when you’re just trying to make contact with the ball, but it’s especially embarrassing when you do hit the ball and then go for the high five your team-mate offered up – and you swish the air completely missing that slap!
My second 3 month appointment and tests weren’t due for two more weeks, but I’ve been revisited by some previous back and leg pain symptoms. Knowing that Multiple Myeloma attacks the bone, I decided to get in to see the Oncologist sooner.
The test results that came back right away don’t indicate cancer activity, but because of what has previously happened in my back (click here for the December 14, 2011 post), and because of the returning symptoms with no known cause, MRI’s and an x-ray have been scheduled.
Thank you Scott for the current information/update. Wishing you and Diane many blessings and a great summer…prayers continue….Linda
Thank you, Linda
Scott, Trevor came back Friday after visiting you with Marcia and his other guy friends, with such excitement and immediately wanting to dig up pictures of Mikko and you doing RC cars! He, I know had a great visit with you. I will be digging for those pictures. I hope I can think where they are. Prayers to you and yours. Your picture; the longest I’ve ever seen your hair!! Just let it go!! Say Hi to Diane. Love, Karen M
Karen; Here’s a picture of Mikko one race day, I’ll look for more. He’s probably also in a video or two. I can’t actually post any pictures here in the comments, but click this link to see it: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AmV_0FDZRo2hgS4A5WyDHwhOAJNS.
My hair is just about the length it was when Diane and I got married: https://1drv.ms/i/s!AmV_0FDZRo2hgS-9Y73Sw7VtgY2J.
Thank you for your prayers.
HELLO sorry for being late but Dianes brother and his wife came up on WED been playing since . THEY took off for Seattle today and will be gone until thurdays day. That is why you have not heard from me glad thing are going good. Iike the beard and the hair . YOU can pass for a senior any time for I can do it so you should be able as well and get all of the discounts . See it will pay off for us. That is way I just let mind stay gray . I make it work for me ;-)) O ya I have built an RC 10 4 wheeler buy using a chassic from hobby king it has work well. ok do keep in touch thanks DON
Hi, Don: Where does Diane’s brother and wife live? Have you taken them to an RC track? I’ve been getting the Senior discount at the movie theaters for a while. They see the gray hair and don’t ask for ID. I hate it though when they ask if I need help to my seat. I got the Short Course Buggy ready for the first run on the track here this summer. After about five laps, I landed poorly and broke a rear hub. Should be back on the road again soon.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, Scott…..stunning, even you and Diane :). I continue to pray for your remission to hold and hope you have a spectacular summer together!
Thank you, Tami. I had two MRI’s today.