Today, Diane and I met the surgeon who will likely perform my eventual surgery. He said there would be no problem putting it off until after our Egypt trip in January. In fact, we talked a little about a treatment option called, “Active Surveillance,” meaning, watch and wait, and test.
This kind of cancer is slow growing. If I were ten years older, the prescription (for my same diagnosis) would certainly be Active Surveillance. It would involve three or four PST (blood) tests per year, and an annual biopsy. If the PST numbers reach a high level, you schedule the surgery. The doctor said most guys who choose this option end up having the surgery after two years.
On the plus side of waiting, a guy doesn’t have to move immediately from his current normal (in the prostate related issues summed up as, “Quality of Life”) to his new normal.
I’m told some guys get back to 100% of their old normal, but that not always being the case, and the cancer growing very slowly, why rush to surgery?

On the down side of waiting, guys in their 50’s have a better recovery rate than guys in their 60’s. I’m 58. I think he was suggesting it would be smart to cash in my “50’s decade recovery card” before it expires.
So where does that put me? I have some more reading, thinking, and praying to do. It’s funny, the things you think about when you are told you have cancer, between the time you think you might be fixin’ to die, and when you realize it probably won’t happen for a while.
All the unfinished projects I would leave for Diane…… All my stuff, and I have collected a lot of it, along with my clothes and other personal items would mostly become Salvation Army donations.
All my souvenirs and memories would be of little value to few people. And what of my most precious possessions? What is your most precious possession? Mine is the only thing that can’t be replaced, the dresser drawers full of pictures and videos I have taken over the years, especially our family pictures.
Isn’t it ironic? When I’m gone, my most precious possessions will have less value than any Salvation Army donations. Who wants somebody’s old pictures?
What is ultimately important? I guess it would be nice if in a lifetime, a person could save another person’s life. It would be awesome if in a lifetime, a person could influence another to accept Christ. I think the most important thing in life boils down to this: Who do you say Jesus is? That will effect your life – and your eternity.
Most of you receiving this have told me you are praying for me. Thank you. If you continue, please pray for God’s peace. That may include healing, it may include changing; I’m pretty sure it includes a measure of wisdom and comfort.