I’m at the end of Chemotherapy series number four, that’s twelve weeks of treatments. The results of today’s bone marrow biopsy will be key in deciding the next step: more chemo, or more likely, a stem cell transplant.
When I had my first subcutaneous infusion there in the Chemo Lounge, the nurse finished by putting a small round band aid on the shot site. It was just an unassuming little band aid, but it stuck like superglue.
If all medical fields had advanced as well as the field of band aid sticking, everyone would be living longer and healthier lives. I never thought of my stomach as hairy, but when I finally got a grip on the edge of that circle of protection and pried it off my skin, it was covered with hair. It looked as if it had been pulled off our cat, Rocky.
Considering I was going to have to do that about 15 more times, shaving my stomach seemed a good idea. It turned out to be a waste of time, I just stopped using the band aids.
I have two appointments next week, one for the biopsy test results, and one with a stem cell transplant specialist. When I first heard that a transplant involves up to a month in the hospital, I thought, “No Way.” But when I considered the alternative (possibly being dead), I thought I could probably stand on my head for a month in the hospital.
Summer is approaching, and my summer calendar is about to get marked up. It’s exciting to see what the next month will bring. Thank you for your prayers for Diane and me. Our lives have been full of blessings. We get joy from your words and deeds, acting as God’s hands. We are encouraged as you remind us how all powerful Jesus is; awesome and yet accessible to each of us. We take comfort in God’s Peace, what ever happens.

Thanks for the update! Hang in there Scott ! Think about you and Diane a lot. Sending prayers your way. By the way I love those boots! Congrats grandpa & grandma ! How exciting for you!
Thanks, Marilynn. The grand baby seems very far away, in time and distance. I hope I get to know him/her.
Each person is different but they told our 32 year old daughter she would be in the hospital for a month & she got out in 17 days. Of course when she got home it still took awhile for her to feel better but each day she improved & was glad to be home.
I would love to get out in 17 days, or anything short of a month. It will definitely be an adventure, one I wouldn’t mind missing, but it appears to be the best option. Thanks for writing.
I subscribe to a Christian newsletter and this morning it was on affliction. I have pasted the contents below: The Two Different Outcomes of Affliction
Mark Altrogge
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. (Psalm 34:19-21) Affliction strikes both believers and unbelievers. Tsunamis and tornadoes don’t bypass church buildings. Believers aren’t immune from cancer or car wrecks. You can’t point to someone in a wheelchair and assume they’re an unbeliever. In fact, Christians are promised afflictions, and plenty of them. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” In Isaiah 43:2 God promises, “When [not “If”] you pass through the waters, I will be with you” and “when [not “if”] you walk through the fire you shall not be burned.” Peter says, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you” (1 Peter 4:12). We should expect afflictions. But the outcome of afflictions is different for believers and unbelievers. David tells us in Psalm 34:21 “Affliction will slay the wicked.” Afflictions work no good in the wicked. Afflictions kill them. Kill their joy. Demolish their hopes and dreams and wipe out all they’ve worked for. Afflictions make the wicked bitter. They do nothing to produce godliness or draw them near to God. And eventually the afflictions of the wicked end their lives. “Afflictions will slay the wicked.” But afflictions have a different effect on believers. “The Lord delivers him out of them all.” Our afflictions don’t slay us. They don’t kill our souls or our joy or our love for Jesus. They don’t slay our faith. In the past 38 years of being a Christian I’ve seen numerous believers endure horrific trials, yet still proclaim, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” I’ve seen saints consumed by cancer, hobbled by accidents, crippled by Lou Gehrig’s disease, and my own mother debilitated by Alzheimer’s, yet joyfully loving Jesus till their bodies or minds gave out. Rather than slaying the righteous, our afflictions make us more like Christ, draw us near to him, make us more humble and dependent on him. They produce character and perseverance. Our afflictions don’t slay our love for Jesus, but deepen it. They don’t sour us; they make us sweeter. Afflictions don’t slay a believer’s faith because Jesus “keeps all his bones” – Jesus preserves our faith – he never lets go of us. Underneath are the everlasting arms. “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28). Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. But what about believers who aren’t healed, or who live in poverty all their lives? In what sense does God deliver them “out of them all”? First of all, God does physically heal, provide and deliver. But when he doesn’t, he delivers from the soul-killing power of affliction. He delivers from unbelief and despair. Pain and sorrow don’t win the day; God does. And ultimately God will deliver us out of all our afflictions. In heaven, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). No more disease, poverty, pain, regret, sadness, broken hearts. Only pure unmitigated joy. Affliction will slay the wicked. But for us who have trusted him, Jesus will keep us till the day he slays affliction and crushes death beneath his feet.
Thanks, John, Good stuff. You and I know affliction. I’m glad we both know it as believers.
Jerry and I have talked about the fact that this cancer thing is kind of like entering another dimension where the familiar becomes sort off blurred and the unknown becomes the norm and nobody else (except other cancer warriors and their loved ones) has a clue what’s going on. Praying for good results for you and strength for you both. We are surviving on the prayers and kind deeds of others, feeling loved by The Lord and His people!
Thanks, Tammy. I hope someday to get back to the dimension where cancer is not always the main topic of conversation.
WEll scott that was good that was the only area that you had shave off.;-))) could have been worse ;-)) YUP those tapes can get very strong. Diane and i have both seen them. I hope I dont have to shave my beard off any more had to do it for some jaw surgers I scard a lot of people . Even diane was happy when I got it back on . I look strange with out it . I am glad your doing ok. Well this is now boating season and tank season so I am now doing some shows with my toys. 😉 Maybe down in the salem area with the tanks next week Kiazer rc meet it is a 2 day meet. NOT sure if I will make that one. OK keep me posted thanks DON
Thanks, Don. They tell me I will lose all my hair with the stem cell transplant, so I will get a fresh start with hair everywhere. Maybe it will be my best chance to try a Mohawk. How come no one ever wears a Mohawk sideways – from ear to ear? I saw your Tug Boat on face book, looks good.