I put the joy away this weekend. I took down the lights, recycled the tree, and put the joy away. It’s taken a while to get to it. It was looking kind of lonely and out of place, like the last bit of Christmas Joy trying to hang on as long as possible.

When the curtain comes down on Christmas, it’s definitely over. The music, the decorations, the snacks, and certainly the anticipation that builds for weeks (months?) – gone with hardly a trace.
I have mixed feelings about Christmas – childhood memories, raising our kids, what are we celebrating and what does it all mean?
Seeing old style lights on a Christmas tree often takes me back to the Christmas tree I would stare at as I wondered about my ten year old world that was about to change dramatically and forever.
My siblings and I were to report to the Juvenile Detention Hall right after Christmas and from there we were soon placed in foster homes.
I experienced no family specific Christmas traditions growing up. My wife’s family traditions became mine – ours. Those traditions weren’t modified while raising our boys. Christmas was always at Grandma & Grandpa’s house.
As a kid, Christmas was receiving presents, it was great! Eventually I learned that there really is far more joy in giving than receiving. That is a sweet joy I hope to never put away.
I hope by having our kids and grandson home this year we’ve started (or renewed) a Christmas tradition in my family. Now we’re the grand parents. I hope to practice that tradition.
HELLO Scott. Yup we put that last xmas lights away just last week. We did not like but we both knew it had to be done. Kind of funny this year when were putting up the lights It was cold and when I took them down it was not as cold. BUT then I was doing it myself for Diane was fighting a bad cold and I did not want her out in the cold . I never knew you were from a foster home?? at least from reading anyway?. It seems we learn something new about you all of the time but you turn out good you have a grate- home- job and wife family. Even tho you have had your share of problems along the way. IT just makes you stronger . NOW for us Were doing ok Diane has been fighting that cold bug for the last couple of weeks . At one point we were wondering if she had that flue bug but we had it check out and it came down to the last of a cold and her asma was kicking up. Myself I am doing ok as well . Helping her when ever she needs it but she is so independent she usely will turn it down. I have a feeling it has to with when she was layed up with her all of her hip problems so she is all of the time trying not to rely on me or others. BUT She knows I am all ways there . I don”t have a problem with that one. I am happy she dose as good as she dose. I am Still playing with the tanks and this week getting my that large DDG Destroyer ready to got go into the Va Vancouver Museum IN vancouver Wa. GOT a call last night from my buddy asking me if I would concider putting it on loan. So now I have to be really carefull not to use up the space that I will have in case the ships has to come back . I hope not BUT I all ways know that could happen for it has happen in the pass when ever I have done this one.. Well other then that nothing new to report I do keep an eye on what you tell about on FB and sometimes I have nothing to say or add. BUT I do watch. We need to get back out too ya comes this spring. NOT sure on the Every green show for this year. If it goes down I will be sure to let you know. At least in dealing with the tanks any way. I am now part of the club that puts on that modeling swap meet show in Sept. So now I have an in and hear about what is going on with it for one of the members that is partly in charge of the Evergreen museum keeps all in form on what all is going on each month so we hear about a few things going on that others usely dont hear about sometimes that is . So far the winter has been ok for us nothing has really happen with the weather . Just got tired of the wind we were getting something Portland don:t get all of the time. Were sure happy we got a new roof on this summer. I thank the roofers alot when we get the hard rain and wind no problems .I was all ways concern about that but it all work out good. so here is what I have to get ready . I did not not realis it that it has been over 2 years since it has been wet . Just sitting can colecting dust now I have to get busy and do a few small repairs and a little detale repair work and clean up . O well been here be for so nothing new. she is all most 6 ft long about 2 ft high from the bottom of the keel to the top of the mast,SHE has about a 9 inch center beam . YES she is all rc with working guns and a sound system. So I am going to pull out the RC set up speed control. I may need it along the line . So this will make 5 of my ships in the museum. From what I have heard the carrier has been a big hit and now with the DDG I am sure others will like it as well. FOR there are a few VETs that come over to see the place.THEY have Navy personal with rank that will be very intrested in it as well for he serve in DDs O ya in June we are going to have a tank meet there as well. So my summer is just starting to get going and this is the beginning of winter. SO i wonder what is waiting for me down the line?? could be busy and intresting ? OK thanks for the up date and my best to your Diane as well and you keep in touch when you can . DON Still that old Portland Rustbucket.
Hi, Don. I was in two foster homes, one for about a year. It was a real adventure. I hope Diane is feeling better. I’m feeling pretty lucky about not having a cold in a long time. It seems like I always get one in time for Christmas. Maybe these Chemo shots keep the cold bug away. It sounds like you’re keeping real busy with ships and tanks, getting a head start on summer. I’m still putting the Chevy back together after the fire repair. It’s coming along nicely, I took it for a test drive Sunday. I put most all of my projects aside when my kids and grandson were here. It was sure nice to have them around, especially the grandson. Hey, I hope to see you guys soon.