He’s very busy and making good money by setting mobile homes in a mobile home park in his town. He asked how I was doing and I answered with my usual, “Very busy.”
Doing what? He asked. I fumbled for an answer as I realized that the things I am busy with are of no real consequence to anyone but me. He’s busy making self-employed money. I was busy at work until I retired, but that was not the busyness I feel so rushed about.
I’m not sure I can explain why I feel so busy, or in such a hurry. Most everything I do or most everything on my list(s) reflects my effort to get as much done as I can before cancer makes a move and slows or stops me.
My list items aren’t grand, important things. They are just things I would like to finish. Do folks who don’t have cancer have a more leisurely outlook on life?
My latest cancer test results showed a, “slight variation” from my beloved, stable, “No Change.” I’ve had previous slight variations, and the doctor said it was hardly worth noting.
I’ve been testing my blood sugar almost daily since my diabetes diagnoses. In 64 finger-stick tests, my average glucose level is 117. I’ve had some high readings, but nothing anywhere near the number that won me the diagnosis – making me increasingly suspicious of that high test result.
My wife and I recently returned from a wonderful vacation. We haven’t been gone from home for three-weeks in 20 years. We enjoyed precious time with kids and grandkids in Florida, and on a cruise,

with stops here and there,

and in Disney World,

and in Lego Land,

and, stalking wild butterflies and flowers to photograph in our grandkids back-yard.

It was all wonderful, but someday a vacation without schedules and deadlines might be nice. Maybe that’s what retirement is supposed to be.