Diane and I just returned from our trip to Egypt and Israel. It was an awesome experience. I can’t thank Brandon and Emily enough for the wonderful time they gave us. We saw much and took many pictures. Near the end, Diane and I were discussing the highlights of our trip; it was difficult to say which part was best. We agreed that being with Brandon and Emily was the greatest.

While in Cairo, I was in contact with my doctor’s office. As a result of my exam just before the trip, they recommended scheduling the surgery. I am not in an urgent condition, but they don’t want me to wait until things become urgent. I will have the surgery on March 17th.
I want to thank each of you for your prayers, they really do matter. I can feel a certain peace and strength from knowing that you pray to God for me. What ever happens, I thank you for your prayers.
We left Cairo just about the time the “unrest” started making national news. People have been asking how are Brandon and Emily: communications are poor, the American University in Cairo (where Brandon teaches) has closed for a week, an occasional tank can be seen on Brandon and Emily’s street and gun fire heard, but as of last night, they were safe in their apartment.