Summer 2013 in Oregon is circling the drain. I took the box fans out of the upstairs windows and put the electric blanket back on the bed.
My summer was a paradox, creeping along unbelievably slow, moment by drawn out moment in the hospital and in recovery, but then I looked up and suddenly the summer days are gone!
I’m feeling closer to normal and farther from death; although I know it could be waiting in the next crosswalk. But, it could be waiting for anyone there and has nothing to do with cancer.

I just had my six month visit with my urologist. He said my PSA (indicator for prostate cancer) is non-existent, that’s great. He said I’m halfway through the danger zone….. If the prostate cancer doesn’t come back within five years, it’s highly unlikely it will come back.
I doubled the dosage of my B complex vitamins and it does seem to be helping with the chemo nerve damage / pain in my feet.
My oncologist said next visit, three months from the transplant, they will test for cancer indicators. I thought, with all these vials of blood you’ve taken – what have you been testing for?

We were clicking through TV stations the other night, looking for a reason to stay up ten more minutes, when I saw an eerily accurate representation of my new hair style: it was little Ralph Wiggum on the Simpson’s.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to identify with him for long because in the mirror I see little black seedlings sprouting among the wispy white survivor hairs clinging to my head. This could get interesting.
I remain, as always, thankful to God.
HEY IT all sounds good to me. Glad we did not come down yesterday and I did not go to show. From what I heard the club was not happy with the way they were treated . ALot different then last year . THE musem was happy to see us . NOT sure what happen but that is what I had heard. ALso heard it got very stormy down your way . So it looks like it was a good thing we stayed home. BUT We will plan a trip your way in the very near future. So how did you do at the car show ? Number 1 by being the only or 2 nd car there 😉 OK take care talk to ya soon DON
Don, I’m looking forward to you and Diane driving out for a visit. I couldn’t believe only two cars showed up for the Friday show at Lou’s Drive-in that day. I guess it was the threat of rain. No news yet from the insurance company about the Toyota.
Excellent news, Scott! Sure enjoyed our recent visit….thanks for taking the time! God bless you, both.
It was so nice to see both of you, I’m glad we got to do that.