I’ve had a few doctor appointments since my last post. I always think I’m going to find out something when I see them, but it’s often a visit or so later before I do.
I gave blood to the pulmonary doctor, and saw him again the next week when he put a cable camera through my nose and into my lungs (a Bronchoscopy).
Before inserting the camera, they squirt really terrible tasting Novocain into your nose and down your throat. When you numb up, there is a temptation to panic, because you feel that you can not swallow, but you really can.
I saw the dark spots in my lungs. I didn’t want to look, but I saw them. Balls of cat hair were immediately ruled out. I won’t see the doc again until next week, but the shared tests results that are back are all negative.
That’s good, except the cause of the cough, spots on the lungs, and lack of improvement in my blood counts remains a mystery.
The prime suspect, though, is shaping up to be the daily low dose of Revlimid (chemo) I was taking. My rate of cough has dropped since I quit taking it.

My current project is installing power steering on the ’57. I’m nearly finished. If you know where to look, you can see the new steering box, rag joint, and just a little bit of the new steering column. It feels good to be able to chip away at a project.
More prayers will be coming your way….blessings to you and Diane (and children)…Congrats on grandbaby.
Thanks, Linda. I hope to see you again soon.