Wednesday I turned 61. I celebrated my birthday in style….. Well, in the style of some folks in their sixties. First was an appointment with my oncologist. They took blood and said the numbers were good.
When I asked about returning to work, she said the transplant was a real big deal and I need more time to recover, she would not release me to work until after she sees me again in two more weeks.
She said the bad taste, sores in my mouth, food not tasting good, stomach feeling weird, being easily out of breath, and my worsening vision were because of the strong chemo I received, and will eventually get better.
I haven’t shaved in over a week, but no whiskers are growing. She said that is also from the chemo. She recommended multi-B complex vitamins to help repair the (painful) nerve damage in my feet.
The achy pain in my legs may be due to the stuff going on in my bone marrow, and hopefully will subside soon.
She prescribed something to help me sleep through the night (I’ve been waking around 3am every morning since returning from the hospital).
Diane asked her if I would be able to go out dancing soon. The doc was still considering it when Diane sighed, “Oh, well, he couldn’t dance before the transplant, so I doubt that has changed.”
After the doctor visit, we went to see a movie, “Turbo” (in 3D). That’s one fast snail! We grabbed a bite to eat at KFC and came home. Our younger son and daughter-in-law called from Kenya that morning and we video chatted with our older son and daughter-in-law in Michigan in the evening.
The support and encouragement from family and friends has been awesome. Even reviewing my list of complaints here, I can only thank God for a life overflowing with blessings.